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Author :

Ampcome CEO
Mohamed Sarfraz Nawaz
Ampcome linkedIn.svg

Mohamed Sarfraz Nawaz is the CEO and founder of Ampcome, which is at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development. Nawaz's passion for technology is matched by his commitment to creating solutions that drive real-world results. Under his leadership, Ampcome's team of talented engineers and developers craft innovative IT solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the ever-evolving technological landscape.Ampcome's success is a testament to Nawaz's dedication to excellence and his unwavering belief in the transformative power of technology.

Web app development

5 Tips To Reduce App Development Cost Without Reducing Quality

Practical tips to minimize app development costs without compromising quality

A branded app is a dream for many startups and businesses. However, it is the app development cost that restricts them. 

The competition in the app market is fierce. Be it finance, education, e-commerce, health or travel, you have an app for everything.

So, today if you plan to launch an app, you should be ready to beat your competitors. For that, you need an equally high-performing and user-friendly app with unique features to have an edge. 

Imagine an app which gives users access to your exclusive products and services. Ap app elevates your customer experience, builds a loyal customer base and establishes your authority in the market.

It sounds like a dream but the costs can be scaringly high. Moreover, you cannot afford to compromise on the quality to reduce the costs. A poor performing app will not be able to stand on par with your competitors.

So, how can you build an app on a budget without compromising its quality?

At Ampcome, we have years of experience in building apps for all business sizes. From startups to enterprises, we have helped clients across the world turn their app vision into reality.

In this blog, we have summarized our learnings to help you cut down your app development cost. 

Understanding The App Development Cost

So, how much does it cost to build an app?

Does all app costs the same? Or will customizations increase the cost?

You know that not all apps are the same. Likewise, not all app development processes are similar. Every app is unique and requires a different development approach accordingly. 

Similarly, the cost of app development also varies. The cost depends on factors like:

  • App features
  • App functions
  • Complexities
  • Third party integrations
  • Development team
  • The team's geographical location
  • Tech stack

In addition to these, you will also have some hidden costs. You should include miscellaneous charges in your budget. It will ensure that your final billing does not exceed your expectations.

Most importantly you should consider marketing, legal and app store fees in your budget. These are additional fees that will come as a surprise at a later stage in the app development if you don't plan for it ahead.

The majority of the companies outsource their app development. Here is the average app development cost as charged by multiple companies.

  • Simple app development price tag: $16,000 - $32,000
  • Simple app development price: $40,000 to $60,000
  • Simple (Basic MVP, 1 Platform): $15,000 - $25,000
  • Medium complexity app development price tag: $32,000 - $48,000
  • Average app development price: $60,000 to $150,000
  • Moderate (Medium Size, 1-2 Platforms): $30,000 - $50,000
  • Complex app development price tag: $72,000+ 
  • Complex app development price: from $300,000

If you are looking for customizations then the cost crosses a million dollars.

It is also important to note that app development is not one-time investment. An app requires continuous updates, maintenance and modifications. These account for 15%-20% of the total development budget.

So, it is not that you put all your money once to build an app and that’s it. You will have to keep some funds for its regular maintenance as well.

If you are looking to outsource your app development, you can easily get cost estimations. Create a list of top app development companies as per your preferences. Get on a call with them and briefly discuss your requirements. Then ask for price quotations. Also, do not forget to ask for clear price break ups.

This will give you an idea of how much it will cost to build your dream app.

Factors that impact app development costs

Here are a few factors that impact the app development cost greatly.


Generally building an app for one platform is more cost effective. Both iOS and Android platforms have different requirements and will require separate development efforts. 

So, initially, we recommend building an app for one platform. Then you can analyze how the app is performing and decide if it will be viable to expand to the other platform.

Also, you can consider building cross-platform apps. Usually cross platform apps built using React Native or Flutter are more budget friendly than native apps.

Tech stack

The tech stack you choose will also impact the cost. Your choice of programming language, frameworks and libraries affect both development time and cost.

Moreover, if you prefer specialized technologies you will require experts for it as well. This will incur extra costs.

App complexity and features

Apps with simple features are easier to build and cost-effective. The moment you go into complexities and customizations, the cost also goes up.

Design and user interface

Elaborate designs and interfaces will take more time and cost. However, this is one such area where you should not cut down costs. 

Having a user-friendly and creative interface will give your app an edge.

App development partner

Your choice of app development company will have a huge impact on your budget.

It's always better to select an app development company within your budget. That is why, we recommend setting your budget before choosing the company.

Geographical location

You may not believe but the geographical location of your development team has significant cost effects.

For example, app development services are much more affordable in Asia than in America and Western Europe.

Scope and requirements

The more your requirements, the higher the cost. 

It is an undeniable fact that the cost continues to rise with more features, functionalities, integrations and other requirements you add to the app.

Testing and quality assurance

A rigorous testing and quality assurance process will cost you more. But this is one of the aspects of the app development where you shouldn't take risks.

Testing is vital to identify bugs and resolve them before the app launch. Therefore, you should always ensure that your testing is on point.

Post-launch maintenance

Post-launch you will need regular technical maintenance and timely upgrades. These are inevitable parts of an app. 

So you should always count these charges in your app development costs.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Complying with legal and regulatory requirements, such as data privacy laws, may require additional resources and can impact the overall cost.

Marketing and Distribution

Marketing, advertising, and distribution costs should also be considered if you want to promote and distribute the app effectively.

5 Tips To Reduce App Development Cost Without Compromising The Quality

App development can be expensive especially if you don't plan for it. That is why it's very important to know how the factors will contribute to the cost. 

Simultaneously it's smart to know how you can cut down some some cost aspects. Don't worry we will not be compromising on the quality and performance of the app.

Here are 5 tips to reduce your app development cost.

  1. Plan your app requirements

The first thing you should do before planning the budget is to prepare a PRD. It is a product requirement document which includes all app requirements from features, design, and tech stack to functionalities. 

This document will decide the ultimate budget of your app. Also having a document ensures that you have a clear vision of your product.

Also, it is this document that you will share with your development partner for quotations and product understanding. The PRD will become the base of your app development process.

There are times when clients don’t have a structured PRD. What happens is that they change requirements multiple times during the development process. This not only wastes time but also increases the costs.

So, we recommend you create a PRD in advance. It will help you:

  • Finalize app features and functionalities
  • Suggest UI/UX design 
  • Set development timelines
  • Have a structured workflow
  • Build cost estimates for each stage
  • Get a clear idea of the app yourself 
  • Communicate your vision confidently with the development partner
  1. Create prototypes

Creating prototypes significantly reduces the cost. Ask your development team to build a clickable prototype using Figma. 

You can then use it to review user workflow and experience. The best thing is that if you want any changes you can do it easily. 

Once the app is built, modifying the app features is time taking and costly.

  • Create an app prototype like the PRD 
  • Take suggestions from the development team
  • Carefully review the prototype 
  • Ensure that the workflow is simple yet creative to use
  • Convey your feedback to the team clearly
  • Review the prototype again after the modifications
  1. Outsource your app development

If you have an in-house development team, everything is sorted. But if you don't have one, you can always hire an app development company.

Hiring a professional app development company is the best justice you can do for your business. An experienced team brings their knowledge and expertise to the table. 

Moreover, you will be free from the struggle of hiring your own team. Instead, you will get access to a global talent pool at a fraction of the cost you will be spending on an in-house team.

They will not only help you with development but also give you a fresh perspective. 

The development team will help you with ideation, market research, and other suggestions that will pave the way for your app’s success.

Factors you should consider while hiring the right app development team:

  • Company’s portfolio
  • Team technical knowledge and expertise
  • Development approach
  • Communication process
  • NDA and contract
  • Pricing
  1. Create an MVP

Creating an MVP, or Minimum Viable Product, allows you to dip your toes in the market before committing to a final product. MVPs are streamlined versions of your offering, equipped with just enough features to meet your target audience's basic needs. 

Launching an MVP enables you to gather user feedback promptly, facilitating enhancements to your eventual product. 

Many successful ventures, including Groupon, Airbnb, and Uber, commenced their journey with an MVP. Adhering to best practices in MVP development guarantees the creation of a lean, top-notch product.

  1. Build Cross-platform apps

Startups initially consider building apps for one platform. Then they realize user demand on the other platform. So they built the app again for the other platform.

If you go by this way you will be spending double. The best way is to opt for cross-platform app development. 

Cross-platform apps work smoothly on both platforms. What's impressive is that you don't have to build native apps separately for both platforms. 

Cross-platform apps are always the most cost-effective way.

Final Thought

App development is neither a cakewalk nor a one-time small investment for your business. It is a crucial step that will make or break your business. 

That's why it's very important that you don't mess up in a hurry. Rather, we recommend you take time and understand the technical, market and cost factors of your app. Then document your app vision, requirements and budget. 

Once you are done with these you are ready to start your app development. This is where Ampcome can help you with its technical experience and expertise. We have highly skilled developers and technical subject experts to expedite your app development. With our assistance, you can turn your app vision into a viable product.

Get in touch with our experts today!

Author :
Ampcome CEO
Mohamed Sarfraz Nawaz
Ampcome linkedIn.svg

Mohamed Sarfraz Nawaz is the CEO and founder of Ampcome, which is at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development. Nawaz's passion for technology is matched by his commitment to creating solutions that drive real-world results. Under his leadership, Ampcome's team of talented engineers and developers craft innovative IT solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the ever-evolving technological landscape.Ampcome's success is a testament to Nawaz's dedication to excellence and his unwavering belief in the transformative power of technology.

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